May 20 2020 Perspective
It is really easy to get caught up in life. 3 things going wrong and it feels like 30. A bad day at work can make challenges at home seem like there is too much going on.
In nursing school I really enjoyed psychology, and behavioral health would be a topic that always peaked my interest. There is a theory on what drives our behavior called Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
To simplify, It's a pyramid with layers. The very base, or foundation of the pyramid is physiological needs; food, water, air etc. Things we need to survive. Next is safety; are we in immediate danger? There is a storm coming, do we have shelter? It continues to love and belonging, self esteem and accomplishments, and finally self actualization and higher purpose or finding meaning. In order to progress to higher levels in the pyramid, we need to meet the needs of the lower levels.
I bring this up because it has helped me put things into perspective.
Taking care of patients in the hospital and my husband at home were tasks that made me feel overwhelmed… especially when adding daily chores or getting caught up in the “what if’s” of life.
I take a breath. I can breathe. I ate breakfast today. I am safe, My home keeps us sheltered from the weather. I have someone who cares about me.
I do this to change my outlook. I still must honor my feelings and recognize that, yes, I have challenges. It is important to also have a point of view that things could be worse and I have much to be grateful for.
Hard to be grateful when you have a husband with cancer… but an attitude of gratitude makes the day seem a little less hard.
Take care of yourself, friends, You are not alone.
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