May 15, NOW

 Now is where there is happiness… Peace is in this moment.

Joy isn’t in the past. It is now. We can remember past joys, but, why borrow a feeling from yesterday when we can feel it today. 

Joy isn't in the future. It is now. We can day dream and hope for a joy tomorrow may bring, but why wish for tomorrow's joy when we can feel it today.

My Husband's cancer gave him 9 months and we got 28 together before he finally got the rest he earned after a long fight. 

How much time did I spend worrying about his death when I could have been celebrating his life? 

Be present. It is now that there is that possibility of joy.. You can find that peace now. Dance. Sing. Move. Tell your people you love them. Hug more. Speak kinder. Take that chance. Steal that kiss (consensually). 

Carpe Diem, Seize the day. Cause you cant do anything with the past but remember and you cant do anything with the future but daydream or fret. 

One day at a time friends. 



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