Blog 5/30/20 one step at a time


 Don’t over complicate things. Try not to plan the path further than you can see, too many paths and things change. Focus on where you are at this moment and where your foot is landing next.

It was late May 2020, I was still working full time at the hospital and hubbs was still full time fighting his cancer. I was always worried about my next 5, 10, 50, and 1,000 steps… it was a waste of energy and only made me more frazzled.

The path I was walking required me to continue to work, get my FMLA paperwork done, and make sure the hubbs got to his doctor appointments. His path was to drink water, eat well and rest. I spent a lot of time trying to peer into a crystal ball i didn't have. I was anxious and held my breath for the first 6 months of his diagnosis before I hit one of my first walls. 

At this point he was still wiping his own booty and craving a beer once in a while. He wasn't really sick yet. I was trying to map out a plan for him being sick when I should have spent more time enjoying the walk together. 

Don't try to look too far ahead. This moment is all we got. So, keep on keeping on and focus on just the next couple of steps you are taking while you take them with the people around you.


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