One day at a time….
One day at a time….
Favorite least favorite saying.
Full time nurse during the day, full time caregiver for hubbs at night. Taking it one day at a time.
Literally the only thing you can do when you feel overwhelmed.. Other than try and do some self care if you are able.
I did it, eventually.. I did it one day at a time. There were days I for sure put everything else before me, but, it burnt me out.
Hospital nurse, housekeeper, cook, dog walker, caregiver… and on top of all of it I was worrying about what could be coming and beating myself up over what i should/could have done better/different.
The one day at a time is this day, this present moment is the only thing that matters. Yesterday is done with, it happened and is over. Tomorrow is tomorrow and there will always another tomorrow to worry about so we ought to choose this moment to focus on.
If saying “one day at a time” is too much, do it one hour at a time. If the hour seems too long and hard, Do it one breath at a time.
Show yourself some kindness.
One day at a time.
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